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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Toddlers Training as Writers

Miguel, Jr. , Age Two, The Aspiring Writer
Bring out the paints, clay, playdough, sponges in the bath tub, and anything your toddler's little hands can squeeze!  Help your toddler develop those tiny fine motor skills hand muscles. Here is my son, Miguel, Jr. at age two, the aspiring writer, in his scribble writing stage.  Go get them, writer!

Writing Babies: "How soon, is too soon?"

Annette, a few days old.
The writing for independence adventure begins at birth.  "Yes, at birth!"  When you allow your baby to grip your fingers and play with toys that are gooshy and mooshy, you are helping your baby develop fine motor skills muscles your baby will need to write.  It is never to early too start!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why A Blog About Little Independent Writers?

"Little Independent Writers" is a blog where educators, parents, and other interested parties, can dialogue concerning how to create, mold, shape, and support little writers for a life time of independence and success, while supporting each other in accomplishing this goal.  Often for young children, writing is the last language domain to be acquired, because of its complex process and need for well developed fine motor skills, or development of tiny muscles in the hands. Speaking, listening, and reading, usually are acquired first which are also much easier to teach, maybe because they come more naturally for most people. It is my hope that we can share ideas to not only help develop little independent writers, but also lead them to succeed, as they become life long learners, and we become more effective teachers.